Can foreigners issue a proxy to be represented by a third party in condominium assemblies? In the majority of property trusts that belong to condominiums, they expressly stipulate that the trustees can attend and vote at condominium assemblies as long as property/ownership issues are not discussed. That power should NOT be confused with an authorization […]

Can a condominium unit separate from the Condominium?  In my experience, this would be feasible if 100% of the condominium owners approve it, otherwise it would not be possible for the following reasons: a) The law establishes that the exclusive ownership is based on a percentage of the common-use areas and goods, which cannot be […]

What must be done to modify the condominium’s bylaws? In the state of Jalisco, bylaws can only be modified through an extraordinary homeowners’ assembly and the approval of at least 75% of the total ownership is required. The law states that extraordinary assemblies can be held with the number of condominiums that attend but the […]